Sunday, November 2, 2014

Welcome to my first real foray into blogging.

Welcome to my new blog!

Well hello to anyone who may visit this blog to read some of my musings.  Not sure how often I will post as I get both busy and distracted quite easily, but as my significant other will tell you, I have a lot to say (much to his chagrin).

I am currently teaching Sociology at a very large community college in North Carolina, and LOVE teaching at this level of higher education, particularly because it was at a community college that I discovered my love of sociology and a desire to teach. 

I will probably post things by and for my students here, as well as things of a more personal nature as they arise.  I also get some interesting information from, friends, friends of friends and colleagues on my Facebook feed that sometimes I want to comment on, but not necessarily on my Facebook page, so I have created this blog for that purpose as well.  My first post on here (after this introductory post) will be about a speech that our President recently gave when visiting one of my favorite states in the Union, Rhode Island, about equality for women, that, for some reasons unbeknownst to me has been seen as an attack on women who choose to stay home to care for their families.  My response to those folks will be on that next post.  Hope you enjoy this, and realize it is simply my opinion, although I do hope that I will present an educated opinion.  I imagine that you all will be the judge of that (isn't that how it usually happens)?

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